Web3 Blog by a Web3 Dev

The Magical World of EVM Slot Machines

In the vast realm of EVMs, where wizards and muggles alike can craft spells in the form of smart contracts, there lies a unique spell known as the "SlotMachine". This spell, or contract, if you will, is not just any ordinary incantation. It is a blend of chance, strategy, and the ethereal randomness provided by the Chainlink oracles.

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How can I (as a newbie) get involved with web3/crypto?

Are you a complete newbie to the world of web3/crypto, but curious to learn more? Perhaps you're looking to get involved but don't know where to start? Don't worry, you're not alone. Let this web3 developer help you navigate this world without getting dizzy like I did.

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What are crypto coins and why are there so many?

Find out all about cryptocurrencies, what they are and why there are so many of them. Clear all your doubts with this article written from the experience of a web3 developer. The world of cryptocurrencies can be confusing, after reading this article you will understand how to operate with them.

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Code Smarter with AI: Use ChatGPT for Front-End Dev

Learn how to use ChatGPT for front-end development. In this tutorial, we'll explore how artificial intelligence can improve website design and functionality. Discover the benefits of using AI for front-end development and how it can enhance your skills as a developer.

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Why You Can't Afford to Ignore Web3

Get a web developer's perspective on Web3, the third generation of the World Wide Web, in my latest post. Join me as I explain why web3 is something you can't afford to ignore and how it is changing the way we connect and transact online, but without headaches. Let's discover together the benefits of web3 technologies and find out why web3 is the future of the internet. Don't miss out – read my blog post now to learn more from a web3 expert.

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Village's Secret to Success: NFTs for Subs Payments

A village of creative minds struggled to protect and monetize their work until they discovered NFT token gated content for subscription payments. This not only provided them with income, but also discouraged theft. The village flourished and the villagers continued creating and sharing their art. This is a story of resilience and the power of technology.

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